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Power Up! and Express It!

Smart Power Up!

The Smart Power Up! tool, located at the top of your workout, simply adds 1 work set to a specific group of exercises on your program when you activate it.  It’s “smart” because we actually search for the top work sets to duplicate for these specific exercises so you don’t end up just doing extra warmup sets!

When you use the Smart Power Up! function you will see that your Workout Metrics change.  Obviously, your workout will get longer, your INOL values will go up, you will have higher tonnage values, burn more calories, etc.  We automatically track all this information for you and you can view your Metrics in the Workout Summary section (just below the green nav bar) on your workout page.

Here’s a tip: There are two ways to use this powerful function. 1) You can use it for your overall workout by clicking on the Smart Power Up! button as mentioned above or 2) If you only want to power up one specific exercise use the individual adjustment icon next to the exercise you want to change and click on the Power Up! button.

Don’t worry about messing up your workout because you can always just reset everything by clicking the Reset button for the whole workout or for each individual exercise.

Smart Express It!

The Smart Express It! tool simply removes the last set from a specific group of exercises on your program when clicked.  If you use this function multiple times you will see that we will remove sets from the “least important” exercises first. We know, all exercises are important!  But, the multi-joint, or what we call Primary exercises are more important and will be protected while we remove sets from the Assistance or Supplemental exercises.

When you hit the Smart Express It! button you will see that your Workout Metrics change.  This allows you to know, and us to automatically track exactly what’s happening to your workout.  Obviously, your workout will get shorter, you will have lower tonnage and INOL values and you will burn fewer calories.  However, it’s not always about training longer and if your schedule or energy levels dictate that you need to dial back your workout a bit then you should do it!

Here’s a tip:  As mentioned above, you can use the Smart Express It! function to affect your entire workout or, if you only want to express a specific exercise just click on the individual exercise adjustment icon next to the exercise you want to change and choose the Express It! button.

Don’t worry about messing up your workout because you can always just reset everything by clicking the Reset button for the whole workout or for each individual exercise.

Combining both Workout Smart Tools

Did you know that you can use the Smart Power Up! and Smart Express It! tools on your workout at the same time?  Remember, hitting the Smart Power Up! Button adds 1 work set to specific exercises on your program each time it is clicked for that workout day. Alternatively, the Smart Express It! button will remove 1 set each time it is clicked for the “least important” assistance exercises first while leaving alone those sets for the “more important” primary exercises.  By using them together an advanced user can create an emphasis on these primary exercises.

As always, it’s critical that your schedule and energy levels are addressed in your workout to help you be more consistent and successful.  At WorkoutSmart, we have developed the workouts using time tested Periodization Models in combination with the more dynamic Programmed Response Training (PRT) functions to allow you to progress safely and efficiently by taking your recovery levels into account.  When needed, these Smart Tools will allow you to adjust your workout based on recovery, schedule and energy levels or even, for the advanced user, to create more variety to help avoid a plateau in progress.

Updated on May 17, 2018

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