Setting a workout goal is easy though it will require a few steps. In order to set a goal, WorkoutSmart needs some basic information and at least one training schedule set up. If you are missing any of these things, WorkoutSmart will prompt you to create and/or complete them prior to starting your goal process. Once you have everything you need for the goal process, you can begin.
Select a Training Schedule (optional)
If you have multiple training schedules set up for today and any dates in the future, WorkoutSmart will ask you which training schedule you would like to set a goal for. For those that like to plan out long periods of time, this allows you to set your goals for future training schedules. If you only have one training schedule for now or the future, WorkoutSmart will not ask you to select a training schedule.
Select a Workout Goal
The first step is to select a general workout goal such as Build Strength or Get Lean. Each of these goals has a different focus and contains a number of programs. They include general descriptions to give you an idea of how that goal is structured.
Select a Program
Once you have selected a goal, you will be presented with the programs within that goal. These typically include Base Programs, Dumbbell Oriented Programs, and Express Programs. These categories all contain variations of programs for the goal you have selected depending on the type of program you are looking for.
Select the Number of Days Per Week
To set your goal, you will need to select the number of days per week that you would like to work out. Each selection contains a description with some information about how those programs are structured. We recommend you select the days per week you will most reliably be able to maintain. You can, however, change these each week using WorkoutSmart’s quickly modify week feature.
Select the Days of the Week
Next, select the days of the week that you would like to work out. These can change from week to week so select the days you will generally work out and you can make any changes necessary along the way.
Confirm you Workout Schedule
Finally, confirm the goal and program that you will schedule. When everything is set the way you want, click ‘Schedule’ and your program will be scheduled.
Start and End Scheduling Workout Dates
The confirmation screen allows you to adjust the dates that you are setting this goal and program for. By default, those dates are set to the beginning and end of the training schedule for this goal.
This allows you to set a goal for a specific period of time within your training schedule. For example, you may want to work out with a Build Strength goal and program but would also like to do a Get Lean goal and program for 3 weeks in the middle of your Build Strength leading up to a day at the beach. You would first schedule a Build Strength goal and program for your training schedule. You can then come back to set a goal and schedule a Get Lean for those 3 weeks anywhere within your training schedule. WorkoutSmart will handle all of the adjustments and tracking automatically for you. Your progress and periodization model will remain intact while you Build Strength and Get Lean on your schedule.