WorkoutSmart is designed to be as simple as possible while offering all the features and functionality of the most advanced training system available. In order to provide these features, there is some information that is required to generate your completely customized workout program. We have organized these into a series of steps for you to follow.
This is a quick introduction to the power of WorkoutSmart. These steps are explained in more detail throughout the learning system so please explore.
1. Sign Up
The first step is to sign up for the system with Facebook or your own email address. We ask for some extra information such as date of birth and training age. These are used by WorkoutSmart to create your custom workout program.
2. Personal Information
The next step is to tell us your gender and height. Date of birth and training age are already filled in from registration but you can adjust them if you made a mistake. Your gender and height will also be used to generate your custom workout program.
3. Weight
Now, we need to know your current weight for your workout program. If you do not know it, do your best to estimate your weight. Weight tracking is an integral part of WorkoutSmart so adjust the date to the last date you weighed yourself if necessary.
4. Training Schedule
Next, you need to create a training schedule. A training schedule is the period of time on your calendar for a specific goal. There are many options for you to explore but the default 12 week program is a great way to get started.
5. Performance Tests
Performance tests are used to set a baseline for your weights. WorkoutSmart is constantly adjusting your program based upon your feedback but we need to start from a performance base. There are 3 options: default values, simple performance tests, and advanced performance tests. Default values will use a very low baseline suitable for most active adults. Simple performance tests will allow you to perform some quick strength tests in your home to determine a conservative baseline. Finally, advanced strength tests allow you to input your specific performance levels on classic movements such as bench press and squat.
6. Workout Goal
Now, we need to setup a workout goal for your training schedule. This process allows you to select the type of workout you are seeking as well as the days per week you intend to work out. We recommend you start a goal on a Monday in order to get a complete week of workouts. The workouts each week are specifically structured to work your body as a whole.
7. Explore
Your setup process is complete and you ready explore, adjust, analyze, and most importantly train hard! Head to your dashboard, calendar, or next workout.
Good luck with all your fitness pursuits and contact us with any questions, comments, or suggestions!